Colour Grading
Enhance your film content with our professional colour correction & colour grading services.
At Shootlab, we offer colour correction and colour grading as part of our video post production services. We use state-of-the-art software and equipment to alter the colours in your video to achieve the desired effect. Whether you want to make your video look more natural or create a stylish cinematic film look, Shootlab can help.

Having your Video footage properly colour graded will bot only make your film look more professional but help it to really standout . Here at Shootlab we use industry standard DaVinci Resolve Colour Correction and Grading software and high-quality colour accurate display monitors. We have a studio space and you are welcome to sit in on your colour correction sessions.
Bring your video footage to us , send it or transfer it, we are here to create!

Contact Us
+(44) 208 090 2635